Topic 1: Language & Communication
What is language?
Language is a code that allows us to represent thoughts and ideas by means of sound/letters. This code has complex symbols with internal structure which is rule-governed.
Language and culture
There are several factors that influence language and cultures:
- · Multicultural society-major ethnic group and dialect
- · Urban and rural settings
- · Political/ historical influence
- · Educational policies
In Malaysia, there are three major races which are Malay, Chinese and India. There are variety of cultures and believe in Malaysia and also different language. So, their English language are also influencing by the dialect. For examples some Malaysian usually add ‘lah’ behind the sentence and Chinese also add ‘meh’ behind the sentence when there were speaking. While, for India most of them will not avoid with slang eventhough there are speaking English.
Meanwhile in East-Malaysia(Sabah and Sarawak) some of them cannot speak English very well and some them can speak well. It is because of historical influence. Sarawak was colonies by Brooke’s family. It was influence in all part of Sarawak starting from Kuching to Lawas especially in administration and also in education. To get a job the citizen must past exam in English version.
Besides that, students in urban can speak English very well compare in rural area. It is because in city most facilities and references are provided. Now a day world without boundary make the student easily can get the information. Compare in rural area, some rural area not provided coverage. Our governments try to narrow the gap between urban and rural area. They try to balance the facilities and help the student in rural area.
Functions of language:
- · Language is a code
- · Language is specifically human
- · Language use is creative
- · Language use is constrained by culture
The rules of language allow us to put words together in many different /new ways.
Language is also use constrained by:
- § Speaker-particular style of speech
- § Audience-style changes with audience type & speaker’s purpose
- § Dialect- colloquial, informal style
- § Mode- oral or written
- § Media- letter, SMS, book and radio
- § Register –occupation, status, age, gender.
A systematic study of language. It covers phonology (the sound systems), morphology and syntax(form and function i.e. the grammar of language) and lexis and semantics( the meaning system).
· Linguistic symbols have function and from.
Ø Words are put together to make phrases and sentences which have structures.
Eg: Mary swims.
Nouns verb present
· Linguistic units are constructed according to rules.
Ø There are spelling, grammatical rules which determine how words fit into sentences. These rules are descriptive- describe regulative in the structure of a language.
Non verbal communication:
§ refers to modes of communication which send messages to the recipient with no voice involved.
§ Visual- staring, winking, blinking
§ Tactile-touch of hand for comfort, shaking hands
§ Olfactory-twitching of nose
§ Kinetic- body language e.g hugging, withdrawing.
English language in Malaysia(issues)
Malaysia drops English language teaching
Government says education policy failing to create global speakers
Since he was a staunch nationalist during his 22 years in power, Mahatir's move was a surprise acknowledgement that the post-independence policy he had championed of promoting Malay identity and downgrading the country's anglophone colonial past had been a mistake.
English-medium teaching was phased out of most schools by the 1970s. As a result the economy stagnated and Malaysia needed to develop a workforce skilled in the language of commerce and technology if it was to catch up with its south-east Asian competitors, he argued.
Many schools struggled from the start to deliver maths and science lessons in English, but the promise of future economic gains, and enthusiasm among parents, particularly in urban areas, for their children to acquire better English helped to maintain government commitment to the policy.
I. Function of language
II. Culture and language.
III. Definitions
IV. Non-verbal communications
V. English language in Malaysia
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